Thursday, November 4, 2010

evil spirits can be supressed... but cant be killed.

whatever a man does its a part of him. good and evil, both. he is responsible for all of his actions. if one does something good... we cant take away the credit from him that "he was inspired by someone else" or "it just came to him, he is not like that actually" NO! if he did it... it is very much him. a part of his personality. the same is with the bad deeds. they are in us. as our part... there should be no shame in admitting it. this is in our instinct. the thing to be stressed upon is that what part is dominating over the personality.... as there will be only one at a moment. and our personality will assumed to be build on that... good or evil. and yes the dominating will be the one to which we feed more than the other....
what i believe is that this is the case with every human being.... even with the saints. the bad part lies in them as well.... ready to be fed.... it survives til the very end...even in the tiniest form.but it does! now i understand why mama asked me to make this prayer an integral part of my daily prayers.....
"YA ALLAH... iman ki halat me maut daina" amin.
no. you have not changed me. i am not changed. same old i am. same old. yes you can say that you know me well now. i know myself well now.... this is what i am. and this is not a change. i have always been like this. this is nothing new. but u did not know that before i guess. may be u don't know it now even.u think i have changed, u think u have changed me. that may be true in a sense but not in the one i am talking about.... well, you may not know it now even but at-least i do. i know myself now. complicated?? no i am not! hah! i found the explanation very simple when i realized it.i had also been in the confusion for a time period that i have lost myself but thats not true. the thing i have lost was not me. and what i was... i have not lost it. once i had explained to you that....the difference... the change... the actual realization. the confession. sigh. but you wont remember that... you wont. because u were sleeping.